About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The AALITRA Review is an peer-reviewed online journal published by The Australian Association for Literary Translation (AALITRA), which was launched in March 2010. 

The AALITRA Review hopes to foster a community of literary translators and to be a forum for lively debate concerning issues related to the translation of literary texts. We publish two non-thematic issues a year, and on alternate year, one Special issue devoted to a particular topic. All submissions are subject to anonymous peer review.

We accept a variety of high-quality material concerned with literary translation, and translations of literary texts. More specifically, we welcome submissions in the following categories:

  • scholarly articles on aspects of translation (both practical and theoretical)
  • interviews with established translators or Translation Studies scholars on aspects of their work
  • book reviews of major Translation Studies publications
  • book reviews of literary translations into English, or of Australian writing into other languages
  • Commentary: original translations into English of literary texts (with a preference for poetry and prose) accompanied by a critical introduction and commentary by the translator
  • Commentary: original translations of Australian literary texts (with a preference for poetry and prose) into languages other than English, accompanied by a critical introduction and commentary by the translator, and written in English
  • *New*: Literary Translators' diaries documenting the highs and lows of works in progress

Peer Review Process

All submissions are subject to anonymous peer review. Reviewers are asked to judge submissions by the following criteria:

  • Significance of the article
  • Appropriateness for the journal
  • Quality of research/translation

Publication Frequency

All contributions to the journal will be published collectively in two issues per year, with one Special Issue on a specific theme on alternate years.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Submissions must be prepared according to the Guidelines for Contributors.

Please  Login or Register to make a submission.