Subcategories Within the Emerging Genre of the Verse Novel

  • Vikki van Sickle University of British Columbia


The verse novel is a form of literature that has especially captured the attention of the young adult audience. Consequently, this form has received a lot of critical attention in the past few years, much of which has been dismissive or sceptical. This essay demonstrates how the verse novel is a diverse postmodern genre by analysing the similarities and differences in a variety of works and placing them in subcategories that exist within the wider definition of verse novel.


Vikki Van Sickle is currently completing a Master of Arts in Children's Literature at the University of British Columbia. She obtained an honours degree in Drama from Queen's University, Canada, in the spring of 2005. Her creative work has appeared in Chameleon, UBC's journal of creative writing for children, and she was a panellist at the first annual Graduate Studies Interdisciplinary Conference at UBC, discussing the changing perspectives on children's book illustration. Vikki is interested in creative writing and hopes to pursue a career in education.
Emerging Voices