Shutting the Window: the Loss of Innocence in Twentieth-Century Children's Literature

  • Isaac Gilman University of British Columbia


A century ago, when J.M. Barrie created Peter Pan, childhood was often portrayed as the ultimate space of freedom — a time of fantasy, of imagination, of minimal responsibility. Yet, today, if children's literature over the past century is telling us any story, it is the story of the loss of childhood as a time of wonder, of guiltless exploration, and of unquestioned stability. It is the story of a loss of innocence. So much children's literature today tells that childhood is no longer an ultimate space of freedom, but a space of restriction. Without a doubt, this is in large part a reflection of the current state of the world. This essay argues that while Childhood may never again be a time of wonder, of guiltless exploration, of unquestioned stability, children's stories will always stand with children in their experiences, good or bad, offering solidarity, comfort, and hope. In the midst of telling of childhood's loss of innocence, children's literature has never failed to offer the possibility of childhood's redemption.


Isaac Gilman is currently in the final year of his MLIS program at UBC. Prior to attending UBC, he worked as a security aide/student advocate at Hockinson High School in Hockinson, WA, USA and as a mentor/teaching assistant at the Clark County Juvenile Court in Vancouver, WA, USA. Upon completion of his program at UBC, he hopes to return to working with teens, either in an academic or public library setting.