<b>ykcowrebbaJ</b> - Alice in the Hands of Her Translators: Emer O'Sullivan Looks at the German Alice Tradition

  • Jeff Garrett Northwestern University


Anyone who takes Anglo-German children's book relations seriously finds themselves standing before the curious history of Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland as it has been interpreted in Germany. In her latest scholarly book in German, entitled Kinderliterarische Komparatistik (English roughly: Comparative Children's Literature Studies), Emer O'Sullivan traces the varied approaches over the last century to this peculiar pièce de résistance.


Javid Beagley is Lecturer in Children's Literature and Literacy at La Trobe University's Bendigo campus, Victoria, Australia, where he teaches units in Genres, History, Australian and Post-colonial children's literature. He has previously taught in secondary schools, and has been a school and university librarian.