<b>Illuminating Texts</b>: - A Short Primer on Children's Books in the Global Economy

  • Daniel D. Hade Pennsylvania State University


Eight publishing corporations produced over 84% of the books reviewed in The Horn Book Magazine in 2000 and over 75% of the books that received a starred review in The School Library Journal in 2000. These corporations' interests in children's books have little to do with bringing compelling stories to children. Rather, their interests run to "branding," "licensing," "vertical integration," "meaning brokering," and "synergy," because these are the paths to greater sales and profits. When we unpack what these words and phrases mean, what we find is chilling.


David Beagley is Lecturer in Children's Literature and Literacy at La Trobe University's Bendigo campus, Victoria, Australia, where he teaches units in Genres, History, Australian and Post-colonial children's literature. He has previously taught in secondary schools, and has been a school and university librarian.