When History Becomes a Story: Loty Petrovits-Andrutsopulou’s <i>The She-Wolf’s Kiss</i>
In “When History Becomes a Story: Loty Petrovits-Andrutsopulou’s The She-Wolf’s Kiss,” Konstantinos D. Malafantis offers a generic consideration of a Greek novel that metafictively considers the role of both the Nazi occupation of Greece during the second world war and its seven-year military dictatorship of 1967-1974. Malafantis explores Petrovits-Andrutsopulou’s narrative structures that intertextually blend historical, fictional, and generational perspectives to make sense of both national and family histories, bringing to light the complex relationships between literature, history, and culture. Malafantis dextrously follows multiple threads from both The She-Wolf’s Kiss and Petrovits-Andrutsopulou’s larger literary corpus, revealing the many layers of meaning employed by this truly masterful writer.
Alice's Academy
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