The Caucus Race
News, Announcements and Paper Calls
The Looking Glass invites submissions to all columns and sections for a special issue:
L.M. Montgomery
Submission deadline: 28 February 2015
Publication date: September/October 2015
Critical, reflective, inquiring, and entertaining articles are welcomed for all sections for a special issue on the life and work of L.M. Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables. Recent and ongoing scholarship speaks to myriad topics in this complex author’s body of work: war, class, national identity, child-life, girl-life, nature, animals, and much, much more. This issue will undertake a broad exploration of the contemporary cultural, scholarly, and personal relevance of Montgomery’s work. Why do we read Montgomery? Why is the study of her work still so active?
Further topics might include:
L.M. Montgomery has made lasting impressions on literature and culture worldwide. This issue of The Looking Glass will explore those impressions and speculate as to the future of Montgomery studies and Montgomery’s work.
Submit online to our website, through the Submissions section under the "About" link in the top menu, or email to
The Looking Glass
The Looking Glass always welcomes submissions for the following sections and columns:
We aim to publish at least 2 issues each year, one of which is usually specifically themed, while others would be general in focus.
While most submissions follow standard journal presentation formats (such as MLA referencing, and writing styles from conversational to academic depending on the column), innovative presentations will also be considered (technical demands allowing!)
Submissions to